dog illness

Almost every dog, over the age of ten, suffers from some type of chronic disorder. Right now millions of dogs are suffering with cancer. Why? Toxic buildup.

Individually: vaccines, low quality food and water, environmental toxins, and pharmaceuticals compromise immune system balance. Collectively they are a toxic cocktail few dogs can withstand for very long.

Immune support is needed now more than ever. Just as we have learned the importance of eating better and taking supplements, the same holds true for your dog. Vitality Science’s specialized products are carefully formulated to provide maximum support for your dog’s immune system.

While you cannot know every disease name, you can see when your dog is under pressure from disease. The name does not matter! What matters is getting your dog back to health. Either Allergies, Leukemia, Gastrointestinal Issues, Whatever Is Draining Your Dog’s Vital Force: Your Best Treatment Is The Natural Option.

dog illness thankful

Vitality Science a small family owned company based out of Taos, New Mexico. Our formulas are created with the highest quality and most effective ingredients on the market. We NEVER use fillers, excipients, artificial coloring or flavors. We formulate in small batches to ensure quality and hand pack and inspect every box before it is shipped. Over the past 17 years we have helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world restore the health of their beloved cats and dogs members. Hello, My name is Stephen Becker and I am the founder of Vitality Science. I have been a health and supplement scholar and advocate for over 50 years. My goal has always been to share my knowledge and passion with others. Everyday I receive phone calls and letters sharing Vitality Science success stories, and I know that I am finally living my purpose and it makes me thankful.